Here they are when she first started to ride LuLu by herself, she had just turned 4.

And here she is this year, running barrels on her.
We never realized old LuLu could move as fast as she did for Casey.

Here they are at their first rodeo this spring. This was LuLu's first time ever in this kind of environment, she never even batted an eye...that's what made her such a good horse.
Casey Hiser/Lulu 04302010 from Bob Fitzgerald on Vimeo.
When posted on Facebook this week asking how people cope with a horse's loss, I posted a comment about Casey losing her pony, and how when asked if she wanted to skip the next show or ride a different horse, she said she "wanted to ride, cuz that's what cowgirls do". They responded that they wanted to send her something to wish her luck, which I thought was so, so kind of them.
We got their package today, and I can honestly say that they went above and beyond. They sent her a box full of cool things...much more than I ever would have imagined...
...2 ball caps,

... a pink brush (how'd they know she loves pink?)...

...a pink hoof pick and a tail bag (her new horse could really use one!)...

and best of all, they got her a big, ole smile!!!

I would like to say a HUGE thank you to CoolHorse and I would encourage all of you to checkout by clicking here They really went above and beyond, and I think they deserve our business!! (Plus they have some really cool stuff!!)
I got this duvet cover a couple of weeks ago as their special of the week. I LOVE it!! I've been searching for something like this for 15 years!
Through divine intervention, God brought us another horse for Casey about a month ago. We weren't looking for a horse, but knew we would soon need to retire LuLu. We decided to get Dotty, because kid safe horses like her don't come around too often. Little did we know why God brought her into our lives. She has really helped Casey get through this tough time, giving her something to look forward to in the future. We're excited to see what Casey and Dotty will do. We sure are proud of her cowgirling up this week!

Casey/Dolly from Bob Fitzgerald on Vimeo.
That is awesome. I got here from Coolhorse on Facebook to read the story. Brought tears to my eyes. I was in my late 20's when I lost my first horse, and I have still yet to have found the perfect horse to replace him and that was about 6 years ago. Way to go Casey and Coolhorse for bringing a smile to a little girls face. Kaycie