I found a really nice secretary desk at a local flea market that was perfect. It needed to be refinished but overall it was nice. I did not get a "before" picture, which I am kicking myself over, but did manage to get a shot of the front piece after we did a little sanding, just to give an idea of what it looked like originally.
My original plan was to paint it a gray color first and then paint with a vintage light blue green color and distress it so that the gray would show through.
But we ended up liking the light blue color so much we didn't want to do the distressing.
We also refinished a chair to go with it. Again no before picture, but picture a chair with one of those stain finishes with the black specs throughout. It had a faux leather seat that needed to be recovered. In other words, it was not an attractive chair. We stripped it (and I use "we" loosely, Jason actually did it) and painted it gray and recovered the seat in a gray fabric.

Finally I took an old Mason jar and filled it with turquoise and clear stones, and added some flowers.